I bring my 20 years of expertise working internationally in the creative field (journalism, art directing, graphic design and copywriting) to the table with every project I work on.

I can help you expand on your idea and give it the wings to take off. I can help you define your message so it’s crystal clear to the rest of the world. I can help you figure out your next steps so that your ideas can soar.



I started The Idea Spark as a way to help individuals get their ideas and messages out there. An idea that is realized and put into action can spark off a chain reaction of goodness and innovation, it can inspire and motivate and it takes on a life of its own.

I am privileged to be alive during this amazing time of human history where the power of an individual to change the world has never been more tangible or exciting. Especially since technology has improved to a point where geographical location and the status quo are almost meaningless. More so now than ever before, we are global citizens, the choices we make have the powerful potential to influence many others across borders and nations.

Imagine a world where every person lives from the space of true authenticity! Pretty amazing is all I can say!


A creative communicator, writer, artist, lover of life and great ideas, a very lucky woman married to an extraordinary man and mama to a rambunctious 9 year old.



I write kickass copy, create healing art and teach creativity workshops that empower children and adults alike to trust in their innate ability to be creative.

I help bring the ideas and messages of heart-centered businesses into being through my writing. I see opportunities for great ideas to take off everywhere, and I love connecting the dots to help bring ideas to life. I am at home with words and images, writing and creating art is fun and play for me.



I am now based in the City of Angels but I lived most of my life in Singapore, a very tiny but cosmopolitan and modern island nation in one of the most colorful parts of the world, South East Asia. On this tiny, tiny island, I developed a deep curiosity about the world we live in, a love of nature, books, music, anime, good design, and an interest and deep appreciation for different and diverse cultures. I am a nomad at heart and love traveling and discovering new places.


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